You are a Masterpiece
Born a stone in the middle of the rocks
Grown to be shaped by experts and monks
Grown to be shaped round, held back by roadblocks
judged by meters, scales and clocks
Grown to be pushed by others
pleasing caring fathers and mothers
pushed down the hill, to the path of life
to follow the rules, learn and work from 9 to 5
We were taught to say yes and obey
not to question, as they know more they say
we have been on the path, we know the way
work hard and you might get lucky one day
She was rolling all her life that way
following their path … do as they say
till she fell … and they moved away
she looked up the sky … asking for another day
She cried … you up the hill
Mr. Masterpiece, how do you stand still
How we become is not for them to say
I have lived my life shaping me every day
They walked by, they called me ugly, and looked away
You are crazy, you will not roll, not our way
They all had eyes, but their sight taken away
I shaped my piece, I made my way as I stand today
You are the master of your own piece
You are a piece of no master
You were born to become a masterpiece
live the piece you were born to master
She stood up on that hill
beautifully glorified, standing still
I am not meant to roll like others
I am not meant to be pushed by others
I am meant to stand and be a masterpiece
while rocks crash into each other, I stand in peace
While life gets hard, i don't get pushed around
I stand tall, a masterpiece on the ground
I am the master of my own piece
I am a piece of no master
I was born to become a masterpiece
living the piece I was born to master
Written by,
Nadi Abdallah
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